Your Life Will Change, because we’ll help you find your key!

Does taking part bring metaphorical meanings and realisation towards your life journey?

Imagine this hypothetical scenario: –

Imagine receiving a phone call that someone you love dearly needs your help and only you can help!

Your only option to help them is to walk way beyond what you thought was achievable and if you don’t, the consequences are not worth thinking about!

All of a sudden, you automatically become emotionally charged with such determination that the mere thought of failure doesn’t comprehend!

Now imagine being able to tap into the level of emotional drive from this scenario without the hypothetical scenario, and you apply the level of emotional drive towards your approach to life!

Imagine what you can truly achieve?

On November 30th 2024, you’ll set off at 7am in the morning to take on Stage 1.

A 42km guided walk where you’ll take in the amazing views if the weather is in your favour!

But hold on a second, it is the UK weather and this can be unpredictable with potentially wintery conditions! A journey with lots of ups and downs, the wind potentially blowing in your face, rain pouring down on you, tired legs and your mind potentially questioning not only your sanity but maybe the elements against you!

But what if this has similarity towards your life journey up to your present moment in time?

A fast paced reflection that may bring questions and realisations to things you’ve experienced and possibly thoughts, actions and feelings that you have been holding onto for too long…

All being well, you arrive back at the stage finish point in the required time for a warm meal and hot drink with 1 hour to rest and reflect on your stage.

If you’re part of a team, you’ll be looking forward to passing the baton to your team mate who will be pulling the tyre on stage 2.

Stage 2

It’s 7pm and you’re on the starting line with your harness on and tyre behind you.

Headlamp on providing the much needed light to guide you on your route around the reservoirs.

For some, this can represent a light guiding you on your journey of life.

The light beam is your focused attention on the things that are present in your mind, often missing things going on around you!

But hang on a second, you’ve got a tyre attached by a rope and it’s following you for 42km’s!

You’ll noticed the logo which has a bear on a tyre being pulled by someone. It’s a metaphor for your bear.

The bear is a metaphor for your mind. If you can’t control it, it will potentially eat you alive.

Control your bear, and it will support your pursuit to achieve all that you desire in life.

The only thing is, for a lot of people, they drag unwanted things through life with them and often things that can hold them back!

Stage 2 enhances the potential to take back control, find your key to life by letting go of the past you have been dragging.

Pulling a tyre for 42km’s in the dark with just your headlamp can bring huge benefits especially when you have limited vision with so much unknown around you which is representative of the dark so many feel they are in at stages in their life.

Imagine having up to 8 hours to process, reflect and become empowered to own your past, ready for stage 3 when you let go of the tyre that has been holding you back.

Just like aspects of you that may have been preventing you from truly achieving the life you desire.

It’s 3am and you will hopefully be back in time for the stage 2 cut-off. Another warm meal and drink ready for you to eat while you reflect on your experience.

Stage 3

It’s 4am, if you’ve taken on stage’s 1 & 2, you will be tired having not slept. Your desire, tenacity and resilience all being tested!

Yet, you’ve let go of the tyre that has been slowing you down and you’re now free to go out and achieve the final stage without restrictions from your mind.

Why? – Because you’ve let go of the past.

If you’ve been handed the baton as a team member, you’ll be on fresh legs ready to prove as a team player that you can support your team to achieve whilst each team member plays their part.

Headlamp on, you set off onto the Peak District whilst being guided by your mountain leader.

A brief 15-20 minute walk on a gravel path before you ascend onto the Peak District paths and bogs.

Individuals always feel refreshed for a short while when they have had rest, been on a holiday, yet before long feel they are back on the treadmill of work and life!

The gravel path can for some represent this. It’s an easy section before you begin the ascent.

You’ll be filled with a sense of achievement knowing the terrain may try and challenge you, but you’ll have a degree of tenacity and resilience within, that is determined to succeed.

As you trudge through the boggy areas having left the easy first section of the gravel path, you may find it represents a path in life that isn’t always easy. Limited vision, potentially challenging weather but with the peace of mind your mountain leader is still guiding you along the route.

The mountain leader can represent your future self guiding you through any challenges that may arise and whilst you focus on your performance staying with the pace to successfully complete stage 3, you know you are being guided safely no matter what the challenging conditions are.

Imagine having a mindset that truly believes in the decisions you make in life and your levels of tenacity and resilience are geared for success with your future-self guiding you!

As the sun rises from behind you, whether the weather be good or rough, you know you can go onto to achieve.

You’ll come to a checkpoint for a snacks and warm drink before setting off for the final stage.

As you progress, you’ll come to Kinder Downfall. A location famous for observing the waterfall being blown back up over itself in challenging windy conditions. This can have many metaphorical meanings.

A brief pause to enjoy the moment before taking on the final stage.

You continue your adventure challenge with limited flexibility on your time. A bit like when you are focused on achieving work and personal aims, goals and aspirations with targets!

Your mind focused with a non-negotiable approach towards successful completion of the challenge, you know you must press on as time is imperative.

Reflecting at the final stage

If you’re taking on all 3 stages on your own, a sense of fulfilment knowing you have achieved something incredible as you approach the final few hundred metres knowing you will “Stand Proud Amongst The Great”.

If you’re a team player completing any stage, a sense of achievement knowing that the experience of working collectively and strategically to each other’s strengths has resulted in an amazingly successful outcome, and if you’re the team player completing stage 3, the joy of being greeted and cheered that you were able to carry the baton to the finish point is a moment of pride as you see your team welcome you.

For some, you may have taken on the challenge to raise money for amazing charitable causes. A testimony to you passion for supporting an amazing cause.

The TMB Challenge provides a unique opportunity that can reflect your efforts to raise greater awareness for your cause with so many metaphorical resemblances towards your cause, whilst supporting to help raise money for others to benefit.


We all have moments in life that can influence us both negatively and positively, but it’s how we process, reflect and embrace our experiences to use towards our approach to life and business.

No one has a crystal ball in life, but if we are equipped mentally with learned experiences of tenacity and resilience from participating with positive experiences, and with a potentially new found level of emotional drive towards life and business, imagine what we can truly achieve.

Words from the founder of The TMB Challenge

For me, my whole aim and objective is to provide a unique challenge that not only tests your physical abilities, but truly supports, tests and challenges your desire to succeed, especially when you are tired and exhausted, your mind feeling worn out.

A challenge whether individually or as a team player, you gain a transferrable skill and awareness to achieve whilst dealing with the elements and undulating terrain.

It’s a bit like having found the key to your journey in life, knowing your mind has the experience and new found knowledge to achieve anything you desire.

Warmest wishes

Jonathan Kattenberg – Founder of The TMB Challenge and Walking With My Bear